Liu decides to place Qi Lu and Xiao in Class C, surprising everyone. As the day unfolds, Xiao...
Latest Drama Recaps
Shiba Ryoma, a brilliant young lawyer, achieved the highest score on the bar exam while still in university, becoming the youngest co-partner at a prestigious law firm. Known for his sharp mind, Shiba...
What Comes After Love begins with Hong leaving a letter on a desk before quietly exiting her house. She walks through the serene streets of Japan, eventually stopping at a closed railway station. A...
Choi Hong, a Korean student living in Japan, crosses paths with Aoki Jungo, and the two quickly fall in love. However, their relationship crumbles due to differing views on love and the pressures of...
The ninth episodes begin with Gyu-hyun and Ha-jun engaging in a lively football match with the children at the orphanage. The playful energy fills the scene as the kids cheer and laugh, clearly...
Episode 11 of Love Next Door begins with a nostalgic flashback where Seok-ryu and Mo-eun’s class makes cakes for fun. When they decide to give their cakes to Seung-hyo, they are surprised to find a...
In Episode 9 of Cinderella at 2AM, Yoon-seo and Ju-won rekindle their relationship. Ju-won drops Yoon-seo home and sneaks inside for a kiss, but she forces him to leave before Ji-suk arrives. Before...
Now that Jung-woo, Sang-cheol, and Seol have teamed up, they focus on investigating who crashed Jung-woo’s car while moving Bo-young’s body. During Jung-woo’s interrogation 11 years...
Episode 1 of Dear Hyeri introduces the complex and intertwined lives of Joo Eun-ho and Jung Hyun-oh, who once shared an eight-year relationship. Fast-forward to the present, Eun-ho is now a less...
Chief Hyun’s selfish actions have led to Geon-oh’s death, and his suicide note, along with a partial confession coerced from Byung-mu, uncovers more crucial pieces of the puzzle. It...
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