Liu decides to place Qi Lu and Xiao in Class C, surprising everyone. As the day unfolds, Xiao...
Latest Drama Recaps
Episode 5 of Dear Hyeri opens with a flashback to Hyeri and Eun-ho’s childhood, where the photo of them camping together was taken. In the present, Eun-ho wakes up to find Hyun-oh, who takes her...
In episodes 9-10 of The Only One, Tian surprises everyone by joining in the sporting activities, something he’s never done before. However, it’s clear that his main motivation is Sheng’s...
The episode begins with Hong driving away from her interview with Jungo. While on the phone with Min-jun, she’s suddenly interrupted when Jungo appears in front of her car. He gets in and confesses...
In the debut episodes of The Eccentric Romance, the story begins with a chilling scene. A young man wakes up in an isolated location, shocked to find a bloodied sickle and a dead, stabbed man beside...
Episode 1 of Family By Choice opens in 2003, introducing Ju-won, a primary school student, being picked up by her father, Jung-jae, after school. When kids at school tease Ju-won about her father...
Sales Team 2 is abruptly informed of its dissolution due to a company-wide management crisis. Now, Team Leader Han is left to finalize business deals with partner companies, all within a tight...
Although not biologically related, Kim San Ha, Yun Ju Won, and Kang Hae Jun formed a close-knit bond growing up. The trio was raised during their teenage years by Ju Won’s father, Jeong Jae, and...
Jay, an international student from Thailand, arrives in Korea to reunite with his friend Seong Hun. Both are enrolled in the same college course, “Health and Happiness,” and for their...
Chihiro has no choice but to get inside Maya’s truck after he subtly threatens to hurt his colleague. He takes him and another old man he had captured to a secluded park. There, he tortures...
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