Liu decides to place Qi Lu and Xiao in Class C, surprising everyone. As the day unfolds, Xiao...
Latest Drama Recaps
The episode begins with Tae-oh and In-ha discussing their next course of action. In-ha expresses worry about the raid but Tae-oh already has a plan for it. The prosecutor in-charge of the raid on...
The episode goes back a little with Mrs Kang retrieving from her safe, the USB sent by Attorney Chu which contains all of her husband’s dirty deeds. She goes to meet Chairman Kang where he’s eating in...
When Tae Oh enters the office, chairman Kang tells everyone to leave him alone with Tae Oh When the other three are gone, Chairman Kang asks Tae Oh.what kind of leader he thinks he...
High school student Han Tae-O (Lee Jae-Wook) first met Kang In-Ha (Lee Jun-Young) as a classmate at his new high school. Han Tae-O comes from a dark background. His father killed his wife, which...
Jin ah leaves the house with anger. Ah Jeong chases after him and Jin ah expresses his disappointment at her betrayal. However, Do han meets him outside and says he shouldn’t be one to talk, showing...
After Ji-han gave his permission last week but Ah-jung can’t stop being bothered by it. Ji han seems to have made peace with himself. He meets with Chae Won and lets her know he’s going to be...
Episode 6 of Wedding Impossible begins with Lee Ji-Han (Moon Sang-Min) in a church. He is inside the confession box, where he is confessing about his sin, which is putting his mind and heart into...
The episode opens up with Ah Jeong’s family searching through the tv station about Do han. When they find out he’s engaged in a business war with his siblings, they are worried she would have a hard...
The episode opens up with a voice over from Ji han describing all he went through trying to be accepted by his grandfather. We see him and Do han as little children standing in the living room...
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