Liu decides to place Qi Lu and Xiao in Class C, surprising everyone. As the day unfolds, Xiao...
Latest Drama Recaps
The episode opens with Eun-bin overhearing the final conversation her husband has with Soo-hyun before his death and is heartbroken with the way he spoke with her. After the accident, she tries to...
Before Soo-hyun arrived at the memorial service, Seon-yul had already gone through his mother’s phone and found a recording that left him shocked. It was the call recording from the day his father was...
Following her mother’s hospitalisation, Soo-hyun makes Yu-ri stay beside her mother and leaves to look for Seon-yul who informs him of her mother’s situation. Soo-hyun goes around looking for him and...
Soo-hyun is struck by Yu-ri’s betrayal and recalls the time when Yu-ri became part of her family. Recalling all the good times with her sister, Soo-hyun cannot digest the betrayal she has faced from...
The masks are off the faces and Soo-hyun conveys to Seol yoon that he can mess with her as much as he wants but he better stay away from her family. However, Seol yoon is not convinced as his family...
The episode opens with Seol yoon handing over the diary given to him by Soo-hyun, to the real survivor of the fire incident- Kwon Min-hyuk. Kwon Min Hyuk is angry over the diary asking if he has...
After admitting the man he had been looking for in the hospital, Seol-hyun enters a room where he sees Soo-hyun standing in front of a comatose woman. Suddenly, the woman, Kim Eun-bin, goes into shock...
Upon finding that the person Su-ho cheated on her with was none other than their neighbour, Soo-hyun leaves the hotel while remembering the promises Su-ho had made to her. Feeling like she has been...
The athmosphere between Suho and Soo hyun is awkward on the car ride back home. We are then taken a few moments back. Soo hyun is devastated after recieving the picture. She quickly runs out to see if...
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