Liu decides to place Qi Lu and Xiao in Class C, surprising everyone. As the day unfolds, Xiao...
Latest Drama Recaps
Hyun woo takes Hae in home. To Hae in’s surprise, his family is searching for her. They get relieved when they finally see her and Hyun woo outside. Hyun woo and Hae in are left alone in his room and...
The episode starts with a voice over of Hae in remembering her visit to Hyun Woo’s country home. There he takes good care of her and tells her that no matter who she is, he would always protect her...
Hae in flashbacks to the time she met with the doctor at the hospital. She had told him her symptoms, how she often forgets what she did after hours had passed. She suffers from headaches and...
A miraculous love story is told where married couple Baek Hyun-Woo (Kim Soo-Hyun) and Hong Hae-In (Kim Ji-Won) go through a crisis. Baek Hyun-Woo works as the legal director for conglomerate Queens...
While kissing, Soo hyuk pushes Yoon Dae away. Yoon Dae, frustrated , tells him he won’t leave. Soo hyuk replies that he could do whatever he wants and leaves the house. Yoon Dae goes back to his...
Things get complicated when Yoon Dae notices a pair of condoms in Soo hyuk’s drawers and asks if he has a girlfriend. Soo hyuk says he doesn’t have a girlfriend leading Yoon Dae to ask if he’s...
Cha Soo Hyuk is focused only on his survival, without any grand goals. He reunites with Lee Yoon Dae, who he was very close with. Yoon Dae was living with his girlfriend but now has nowhere to go...
Soo-hyun is prepared to pursue a new direction in order to reveal the truth, and she presents herself to the public as the author Eun Soo-hyun. Upon hearing about this development, Yu-ri informs the...
The scene begins on the day of Gun-woo’s accident, showing Sun-yeol’s father talking on the phone with his wife, who urges him to hurry as their son has been rushed to the hospital. In the meantime...
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